
Sunday school

The Holy Moly curriculum focuses on the major narrative arcs of the Bible. For the current session, we're tracing the story of God's people from Abraham to King Solomon. The Sunday school caters to pre-readers and readers, with lots of opportunities for the two groups to cooperate, and gives the students plenty of room to be creative with an extensive portion of each lesson devoted to arts and crafts. We're thrilled to have our Sunday school program up and running, and look forward to welcoming you and your children to the St. Philip's church community.

The Sunday School meets during 10:00 worship service. We follow Safe Church Guidelines that provide a safe and encouraging atmosphere in which your children can explore the faith.

Click here for more information on the program.
To register online click here or see Father Jim or Brooke Struck.

First Holy Communion (Life in the Eucharist)

Life in the Eucharist is a 3-week program for children age 8-10, together with their families, to help them gain an age-appropriate understanding of our central act of community worship, the Eucharist, its meaning, symbolism, and role in our life of faith. After completion of the program, the children are recognized and receive Communion at a special Sunday celebration. All baptized Christians, including children of any age, are welcome to receive communion, and completion of Life in the Eucharist is not required. However, many families find it a valuable way to teach their children about church, and a public First Communion can be a milestone of childhood to celebrate with family and the community.

For 2015, the Celebration of First Holy Communion will take place on Sunday, May 17 at 10:00 am. The classes will take place in April and May. To register, please contact the church office.


Confirmation classes for youth (or newly-received adult members) are an important educational opportunity. Classes are generally held weekly for six to eight months leading up to a service of confirmation presided over by the Bishop.

Adult education

There are a few formal outlets for adult education at St. Philip’s including a bible study program which takes place on Tuesday evenings. For more information please contact the church office.

Education for Ministry

This program of theological education is for lay people, to enable them to engage in ministry in daily life. Fr. Jim is one of the mentors of a group which includes members from St. Philip's and other parishes in Montreal and the South Shore, and which meets at the Diocesan Theological College. For more information, visit the EfM web site at

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